Ariel Cao 曹晶晶



  • Latin dancing - groovy & fierce, combining two of my biggest personality traits!

  • 最初学拉丁舞就是冲着可以穿高跟鞋,后来发现高跟鞋别说跳舞了,就是平时走路也很累。

  • I have always loved logic and in the summer of 2012 I had an extraordinary time studying at Stanford for a mathematical logic & problem solving program, where I actually met some of my friends who I competed against in hackathons during my time in university! What a small world!

  • 8年级时,和一群爱跳舞的同学组建了自己的舞蹈队。我喜欢自由的感觉,街舞恰好可以满足我这个愿望。只要穿上球鞋和Tshirt,哪里都可以成为舞台;一个人跳,一群人跳,音乐响起,每一个细胞都会兴奋。这就是街舞的魅力!

  • 在加拿大可以继续跳民族舞,这让国内的亲朋好友都很吃惊,姥姥把我跳的每一段舞蹈视频都放在她的电脑桌面上,说百看不厌。

  • 6年级时,乐队是每个同学的必修科目,我选择了长笛。在乐队里既要演奏好自己的部分,更重要的是学会仔细聆听,和集体默契配合。

  • I never stopped performing in the school talent shows even when I moved to Canada. Every year I wanted to do something different to spice it up. Some years it was dancing, some years it was singing. There was never a dull year and I am grateful to have been given these amazing opportunities to explore various talents to perform for my school and my community. Here I am singing and dancing to Selena Gomez with my childhood friend, Anne, when I was in grade 7. Shaking things up in my mini-concert! :D

  • 刚来加拿大的时候,我的英文不好,在新的学校里朋友也不多,自从参加了学校的才艺表演,全校许多老师和同学都认识了我,我经常在走廊和校园里遇到各年级的同学问我,你就是那个在舞台上跳舞很漂亮的Ariel吗,我突然间就不寂寞了,有了许多好朋友。艺术是一门没有国界的语言,对吧?

  • A small clip of a group violin performance with the orchestra in 2015 at the Richmond Music School...

  • In grade 5 I decided that it might be fun to learn the violin. My logic was that this was going to be a much lighter and more compact instrument than piano, so I could bring it around with me if I ever wanted to perform anywhere in the world. Little did I know that violin is actually much harder than piano to learn and required long gruelling hours of standing and holding my instrument in the perfect posture. I made a lot of awful noises with my violin in the first few months, but through the meticulous instruction of my violin teacher, Tatyana, I became very engrossed with practicing for the art, and gradually played to RCM level 8.

  • From someone who had never seen snow or ice growing up in the south-most part of China, skating was a magical sport and it was a dream to be able to glide & dance gracefully on ice.

  • I moved to Canada in grade 4 and now I think about it, my parents’ decision was quite crazy! We packed up 10 boxes of our stuff and shipped it to Canada without a second thought, but we didn’t even know where we were going to live when we landed in Vancouver! My mom and I stayed in a family hotel for a week before finding a small one-bedroom apartment to rent. To my mom and I, our place was tiny but cozy, and we absolutely loved it. Our balcony faced what would then be the ginormous field that is the playground of my elementary school. My Canadian elementary school started a lot later and ended a lot earlier than my Chinese elementary school, and the education style was quite different. Although I couldn’t understand a thing that my teachers and new friends said in the first three months, slowly but surely, I fell in love with the city and the overall welcoming nature of Canadians. This photo was taken when the Olympic Oval just opened and I participated in the Richmond Children's Choir to welcome the 2010 Olympics in the year to come! My English might have been choppy, but I was more than willing to paint the town 'Richmond' red!

  • 小时候的我做主持人又爱又怕,喜欢听到自己的声音从麦克风里传出来,害怕念错一些奇奇怪怪的汉字。在家人和老师的不断鼓励下,从小型音乐会,到幼儿园毕业典礼,二年级时为全校两千多师生,主持每周一的升旗仪式,越来越自信。

  • My grandmother says that in life, you should always try to persevere in at least one difficult task, because you will then be invincible if you are ever forced to do something that you don’t particularly like in the future. To me, this difficult task was playing the piano. I didn’t enjoy piano lessons as a kid mostly because I found practicing the same piece again and again a dull task, but who would’ve thought that I was able to persevere through it all for 15+ years, all the way to completing RCM level 10! I grew to be very fond of my knowledge in piano, because it has later helped me in learning other musical instruments and gaining a better understanding of rhythm, which has helped me immensely in dancing as well.

  • 四岁学习跳舞,刚开始压腿,疼得哭了好几次,慢慢地,没那么痛了,越来越爱跳舞,盼望着周末去舞蹈学校,更盼望着和小伙伴们一起登台演出。