Contestants Info

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  • 國語 Mandarin

Julianne Nieh

Age: 22
Birth place: Vancouver
Education: Commerce @ UBC (Undergraduate Student)

In what way are you inspired by the year 2020? I’m inspired by the power of our collective voices and actions to create the change we want to see around us.

In the future, how would you describe your experience to people who have never gone through COVID-19: I would describe my experience as a test of my values and resilience. COVID-19 demonstrated how we can thrive and overcome obstacles amidst uncertainties

What did you learn while staying at home for a few months? I had a unique experience during the first half of 2020, as I was alone in Hong Kong working as an intern for 6 months. I learned the importance of family, prioritizing health, and of working together as a community.