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Beryl Liu

Age: 23
Birth place: Beijing
Education: Drama & Theatre and Political Science @ McGill (Bachelor)
Motion Pictures & Theatre @ NYU (Graduate Student)

In what way are you inspired by the year 2020? Witnessing the pandemic hit while I was in my apartment in Mid-town Manhattan New York alone was a very unforgettable experience. 2020 makes me realize that life is unpredictable, fragile, and sacred. I am deeply grateful that my loved ones are healthy and safe. This pivotal year has inspired me to truly be present, live my life to the fullest, and cherish each living moment.

In the future, how would you describe your experience to people who have never gone through COVID-19? It was a time when people began to realize that the smallest things that we previously took for granted became invaluable. We could not go to the theatre, travel nor even go back to school in person. Though we are lucky to have the technology and the internet to connect to others, we still yearn to be together. When we return in person, every in-person meeting feels more special than before. This pivotal year has made us realize that it is imperative for us to respect and protect the environment and guard our mother earth so that something like this would not happen again.

What did you learn while staying at home for a few months? Since all my theatre and film productions were forced to be canceled, I joined a Zoom script reading sessions, started a film student group to share resources to collectively learn together, and co-organized an online theatre conference. These experiences allowed me to realize the power of taking initiatives as I have connected and built relationships around the world through the power of today’s technology. I am deeply grateful and more driven than ever to find innovative ways to be creative and work hard to prepare for my ambitions when we return in person.