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Yuki Wei

Age: 18
Birth place: Anshan, Liaoning
Education: Management Science @ University College London (Undergraduate Student)

In what way are you inspired by the year 2020? The outbreak and spread of COVID-19 along with the economic crisis caused by this pandemic have inspired everyone to reconsider their future. It has taught me to cherish and be grateful for everything in my life as well as realize how important family is. With many countries experiencing a second wave of coronavirus, I also have come to a better understanding of my role and responsibility as a young person in the society.

In the future, how would you describe your experience to people who have never gone through COVID-19? 2020 is a year that people will never forget. A virus that suddenly hit the world hard, claiming lives of many people and causing a huge crisis in the global economy. The pandemic made the world pause as we were forced to stop all activities and stay at home. During this period of isolation, many felt anxious and fear but it was also an opportunity for us to reflect on the meaning of life and the environmental damage we caused. Business models and consumption patterns were shifted to adapt to this global health crisis. Many companies have gone bankrupt or were prompted for a transformation. However, the pandemic has also resulted a rapid growth of the medical and health industry, online e-commerce platforms etc. During the outbreak, China built a hospital in 8 days that caught the worlds attention. Various welfare policies strategized by the Canadian government also showed the world the warmth and kindness of the nation. Countries joined hands to fight the pandemic and scientists from around the world have been developing vaccines around the clock, trying their best to help people return to their normal lives. 2020 is not just a memory, it is a year that changes the world.

What did you learn while staying at home for a few months? During the pandemic, I learned to cook, make desserts and do housework.