Real or fake? This is a yam bread that I made. The outside skin is actually bread and the inside stuffing is real yam mixed with condensed milk and butter! Mmm.... did I trick you?! 這是我做的"真真假假紫薯包"。 其實它是一個偽裝成紫薯的蕃薯麵包,外表像紫薯,內裡也有如假包換的真蕃薯。是不是有騙到你呢?
疫情居家的時候也要不停找各種事情充實自己。我嘗試了畫水彩,可以陶冶性情還可以放鬆自己。During lockdown, I found different hobbies and watercoloring was one of them... what did you do when you stayed home during this pandemic?
人生就像爬大山,努力只為看到更遠的風景,當然也別忘了享受那個過程! Persistence leads to farther and more beautiful view that you can see. Of course, don't forget to enjoy the scenery as you climb!
This is Salvation Mountain that I visited in Los Angeles. It took Leonard Knight almost 20 years to have this artwork built! Little commitment everyday leads to great result. 這是在洛杉磯的救贖山,是一位對基督教虔誠信仰的爺爺Leonard Knight花了將近20多年才建造完的一個創作。I am so amazed! 我相信很做很多事情都只要靠每天多一點點的付出,讓時間慢慢沈澱,就會有達成目標的一天。
This pizza is so big! It was really good though.
這是我十六歲時跟爸爸媽媽的合照。我10歲的時候就跟家人移民來到溫哥華,媽媽就在加拿大一直照顧我跟我的姊姊還有哥哥,爸爸呢就一直做空中飛人,會在中國跟加拿大兩邊跑。現在長大之後家人都回流中國居住,大部分時間就剩下我自己一個人留在這裡生活,這個生活經驗久而久之讓我慢慢變得獨立,堅強,跟勇敢。This is a photo of a 16 year old me and my parents. Time surely flies!
I've been trying to make different colors of smoothie bowls lately. It's so yummy and fun to make! What's your favourite color? 最近很喜歡研究做不同顏色跟口味的奶昔smoothie bowl。吃得健康而且做的時候也很有樂趣。
I love trying out new restaurants and collecting different kinds of yummies! 喜歡嘗試不同的餐廳,收集不同的味道。
Have you ever wonder what is it like working behind the scenes for the airport? I worked at the Vancouver Airport Authority for eight months in the Human Resources Department as an intern when I was in my third year at university. It was such an eye opening experience for me to see how the airport operates as a whole!
Life is art... live yours in color by trying new things! 多彩的人生是靠自己不停的努力爭取的...加油!
Who doesn't love sweets?! 對我來說吃不同的東西就是收集幸福感的好方法。
"I collect memories, and not things!" I love travelling and finding beauty all over the world. One of my favourite travel destination was New York. I went there for a Christmas two years ago and I thought I was living in a movie!
溫哥華最近下太多雨了...需要一些陽光與沙灘..你說呢?! Miss travelling and the days where we can go wherever! For everything that we took for granted before 2020, now I have learned to cherish everything that we have in the present.
無論遇到什麼困難,都記得戴上陽光和微笑,去遇見溫暖跟幸福。 ♥