Julianne Nieh 聶均竹



  • [JUST JULIANNE #9] - Ever since my first year of University, I knew that I wanted to be a 'heart-centered' entrepreneur, by creating products and services that add light and positivity to the world. I had many business ideas over the years, such as a juice company made from food waste, life coaching, etc. But this year, I finally decided to take massive action to turn my dreams into a tangible reality. The entire process of creating my businesses was arduous, but so rewarding. I decided to create 2 brands at once (I just couldn't pick one!!)- one is a DIY night light, and the other is a reusable bubble tea tumbler. I started in January with product research, then reached out to suppliers in February, got samples in March, worked on my branding and launch strategy in April, ran crowdfunding campaigns in May to July, and finally shipped out orders in August! Right now I am in the process of growing these brands (they are like my babies!) and making them globally recognized!

  • [JULIANNE'S JOURNEY #9] - During my exchange in Denmark, my entire class went to Germany for a 1-week field trip! We took a long bus ride from Copenhagen all the way to Hamburg! While we were there, we learned all about the Port of Hamburg, and how they efficiently move products across Europe. We even went to the Amazon warehouse, and saw how they run the whole operation! It was a wonderful trip with my friends, and lots of delicious food!

  • [JULIANNE'S JEMS #6] - We are more than our physical body; we are all infinite beings with stories to tell, people to inspire and a purpose to fulfill! I used to be so concerned about what people thought of me based on my outer appearance. It made me quite anxious and worried that I would not be seen as 'worthy'. But I am learning to trust that I have so much more to offer to this world, that goes beyond the surface. I hope this reminds you as well!

  • [JUST JULIANNE #8] - If you haven't realized already, I am a HUGE fan of kpop! Since I am half Korean, I grew up listening to K-pop songs since a young age. Here's a little secret- one of my dreams growing up was to become a k-pop idol, and I even went to many auditions! Although I didn't pass any, my love for it never went away. Here is a clip of the very first k-pop dance contest I entered with my sister! We practiced very hard and had an amazing time performing!

  • [JULIANNE'S JOURNEY #8] - In 2018 on my Europe exchange, I got to spend a few days in Budapest, Hungary! It is a beautiful country with a very laid-back energy. On the streets there were beautiful murals painted everywhere, and we went to a popular market where many items were sold, such as intricate lace! My friends and I went up to a very tall tower to catch the sunset. As you can see, I was very focused on taking a picture!

  • [JUST JULIANNE #7] - Last year, when I went to Korea to visit my family, I decided to take professional photos at a very famous studio. Usually the clients of the studio are aspiring actors and models! Although I wasn't seriously considering that path at the time, I thought it would be a fun experience! This photo is one of my favorite shots, as I think it conveys a very simple and elegant vibe. My friend helped me edit my personal brand's logo in the back!

  • [JULIANNE'S JEMS #5] - too often, we try to define our worthiness based on external factors and try to seek validation from others. But I've come to realize that no one's praise matters if you don't know your own worth. I truly believe that we are innately worthy and that we don't need to prove it to anyone. I try to build this within myself by always giving myself encouragement regardless of what others say~

  • [JUST JULIANNE #6] - I joined my very first pageant out of curiosity! I have always loved everything about 'beauty' and fashion, so when this opportunity was shown to me, I decided to go for it! My first pageant helped me build confidence within myself, fundraise for charitable causes, AND also led to me meeting #3, Ariel! Although this was my first pageant, I worked extremely hard and trained everyday to prepare myself mentally and physically. I was very honored to have placed 3rd amongst 82 girls across Canada! I hope that this experience can help me in this pageant as well~

  • [JUST JULIANNE #5] - Growing up, I would say that I was quite shy and would only hang out with people that I thought were very similar to me. However, in my second year at UBC, I decided to become a Residence Advisor for new first-year students. From this experience, I got to meet students from all walks of life, and work with an INCREDIBLE team of other residence advisors. This was an experience of growth, friendship and fond memories.

  • [JULIANNE'S JOURNEY #7] - ~In New Yooooooork~ (I love that song!) In 2018, I went to New York and New Jersey for the first time! The east coast of the USA is special to my family because my parents met during their Masters Degree in NJ! Although it was a short trip, we did so much! From watching musicals, to eating lots of food and visiting lots of landmarks (but sadly not the Statue of Liberty because we forgot to book tickets!), it was a trip to remember!

  • [JULIANNE'S JOURNEY #6] - During my exchange in Denmark, the university arranged a trip for all exchange students to explore more remote parts of Denmark! One of these trips was to the very Northern tip of Denmark, a town called Skagen! We went to a long sandbar spit called 'Grenen' and it was right at the edge of the water. It was VERY windy as you can see, but I wanted to meditate a little and really embrace the moment~

  • [JULIANNE'S JEMS #4] - I believe that if you take the time to nurture your soul and your character, your beauty will radiate outwards. Although I have nothing at all against makeup and dressing nicely, I think that if as a society, we focused more on our inner world, we would be so much kinder and more loving to one another! So I hope this quote can remind you, that your true beauty is inside of you already~

  • [JULIANNE'S JOURNEY #5] - Back in 2017, I had the opportunity to go to a women's business conference through the Harvard Business School. I was selected with a few other students from my school to receive a grant to attend this conference. It was such a memorable experience, with many women leaders sharing their stories of success. I hope one day I can return to the conference, but this time as a speaker!

  • [JUST JULIANNE #4] - Growing up, I was very lucky to have a supportive family, great friends and many passions. However even so, I felt burdened by the pressures of school, and found myself comparing myself to others. I realized that I wish I had mentors growing up, to teach me about self-love, nutrition to nourish my body, and exercise to feel stronger. That is why I started my empowerment program called 'Girl Code' where I invite guest speakers to encourage and inspire young girls to be their most radiant and confident selves, through meditation, gratitude, movement and more. I hope to continue organizing these events moving forward!

  • [JUST JULIANNE #3] - Going into university, I didn't have a clear idea of what career I wanted to pursue. All I knew, was that I wanted to be an entrepreneur that made a positive difference in the world. Luckily, I came across a specialization offered at the Sauder School of Business, called 'Global Supply Chain & Logistics Management' (phew! Such a long name!). This program was not very well known, because they only accept 15 students per year. Through this program, you get to spend 1 semester in Demark and 1 semester in China, learning about how the worlds economies and trades work. This was the perfect major for me, because I got to travel the world, and learn the logistical aspect of starting a business. This year, I took the learnings from my program to start 2 online brands myself. I can't wait to see where else my education takes me!