Amy Tso 曹榕容


最欣賞的成功女性:Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  • As a little girl growing up in Hong Kong, I used to watch Miss HK with my mom every year and I dreamed of being on the stage one day. For most of my life, I was focused on my academic ambitions, and now I am ready for the next chapter of my life. Joining MCVP has convinced me that I am destined for a life in the entertainment industry. 作為一個在香港長大的小女孩,每一年我跟媽媽一起看香港小姐的選舉,我總夢想有一天我可以站在舞台上。在我人生的大多數時間里,我總是全情投入的追求學術的成就。現在參加溫哥華華裔小姐選舉,讓我看到我已經為人生的另一篇章作好準備,那就是投身到娛樂事業中。

  • For my mission, I made a DJ Dance Video Fundraiser by creating a DJ set using the skills I learned from Holland and dancing in funny costumes. During COVID, it is especially important to not only bring lots of smiles and laughter to our community, but also to remind everyone that you can find light during the darkest of times. For my mission, I made a DJ Dance Video Fundraiser by creating a DJ set using the skills I learned from Holland and dancing in funny costumes. During COVID, it is especially important to not only bring lots of smiles and laughter to our community as they watch from home, but also to remind everyone that you can find light during the darkest of times.關於我的任務,我用在荷蘭學到的DJ技巧和穿上搞笑的服裝跳舞錄制了一段DJ舞蹈視頻來籌款。在疫情期間,帶給我們的社區一些歡樂和笑聲非常重要,與此同時也提醒大家在最黑暗的時候不要放棄尋找光明。 Full Video:

  • I started playing piano when I was 6 and at 16 I was awarded the ARCT Diploma with First Class Honours. For over 18 years, I played piano competitively in both Canada and US, winning first place at several competitions. Through these experiences, I learned the value of hard work and persistence, while building an unstoppable competitive mindset. My passion for music compelled me to pursue guitar lessons while interning in Boston and ultimately inspired me to attend DJ school in Holland. Music, in its many forms, will always be a part of my life. 我六歲開始學習鋼琴,在我 16 歲的時候以一級榮譽獲得了演奏級的證書。在過去的 18 年,我在加拿大跟美國參加過不少的鋼琴比賽,也拿過很多次第一。這些經驗讓我明白當你想要在競爭中取得成功,努力和堅持所體現的價值。對音樂的熱誠,讓我在波士頓實習的時候上過吉他課,還曾遠赴荷蘭學習 DJ 。音樂,不管它以哪一種形式出現,它永遠都會是我生命的一個部分。Piano graduation recording:

  • Who am I? A daughter, a sister, a friend, a musician, a boxer, a scientist, an optimist, a feminist and more importantly, a woman with a mission – to remind you that your beauty lies in your strength, grace, humility, confidence, ambitions and intelligence. 我是誰?女兒,姐妹,朋友,音樂家,拳擊手,科學家,樂觀主義者,女性主義者。我覺得更重要的是一個身懷使命的女性,你的美麗存在於你的力量,優雅,謙卑,自信,抱負和智慧之中。

  • I surprised my friends this year by participating in Miss Chinese Vancouver because they have always known me as a huge nerd. Frankly, most of my friends are nerdy. But hey, why not try something totally outside of the world I am used to? At the same time, I want to challenge how society views beauty pageants and dispel the stereotype that beauty and brains cannot co-exist. Because truth be told, brains is beauty. 我的朋友們都非常驚訝我參加溫哥華華裔小姐選舉。在他們眼中,我總是一個超級的書呆子。準確的講,我多數的朋友都是書呆子,但是為什麼不嘗試一下跟我的世界完全不同的東西,同時我也想挑戰一下,關於社會怎樣看待選美,或者說美貌與智慧不可以並存的觀念,因為真理會告訴你智慧就是美麗。

  • My summer of 2019 was spent working on my soon-to-be-published Masters degree thesis on how viral gene therapy can treat retinitis pigmentosa, the most commonly inherited cause of blindness. Simply put, how can viruses be modified to bring back eyesight? It is crazy to think that despite COVID, viruses can be a positive force! But yes, with the advent of new gene editing technology, our future in ocular medicine is looking (literally) real bright! 2019年夏天,我一直在寫作我即將出版的碩士研究生論文。我研究的是色素性视網膜炎,它是一種造成失明的,很普遍的一種遺傳因素。簡單的來說,就是怎樣去改變病毒來恢復視力。最瘋狂的是目前的新冠疫情,也成為研究改變病毒的積極的動力。隨著新的基因編輯科技的發展,光視科學的前途非常光明。

  • “My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg “我媽媽曾經告訴我說要做一個女性,對她來說,那個意味著是做你自己,做獨立的人”。

  • For Halloween during my first semester at Columbia University, I wore a dinosaur costume to all my classes. I am not the type of girl to go for scary or sexy costumes. Instead, I prefer going for the funny ones that make people smile and laugh. The plastic bag in this photo is full of candy my friends and I were handing out on campus. 我在哥倫比亞大學的第一個學期的萬聖節那天,我穿了一件恐龍造型的服裝去上課。我不是追求驚嚇和性感效果的那種女生,我更願意扮演一個讓人開心的可笑角色。照片中的塑料袋里是滿滿的糖果,我和我的朋友們在校園裡到處派發。

  • For two years in college, I worked at a lab in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where I conducted research on the production of drugs and biofuels. Later on, I took on research at the MIT Sea Grant to learn about the effects of climate change on colonization patterns of marine organisms. 讀大學的時候,有兩年時間,我在麻省理工學院的化學工程學院實踐室,對藥物產品和生物燃料進行了研究,其後,我在麻省理工學院海洋基金會,研究氣候變化對海洋生物生殖系統的影響。

  • Not only is the glass half full, but you can always get refills! 雖然杯子時時半滿,但你總是可以有機會加滿它!

  • Living in New York, one of the busiest cities in the world, has inspired me to learn meditation to stay mindful and on track with my goals. 住在紐約,全世界最繁忙的城市之一,啓發我用冥想來保持專注和堅持著追求夢想的道路。

  • I ate so much chocolate that I may have turned into chocolate. 我大概是吃得太多巧克力了,我覺得我的膚色都變得有一點巧克力呢。

  • “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” - Maya Angelou. “當一個女人站出來為自己發聲,或許並不預知所有的可能或聲稱代表什麼,其實她是代表所有的女性發聲”。

  • For two summers, I worked at an immigration law firm in Washington DC with Don, an immigration lawyer. We worked on multiple asylum cases for clients from Central America and Africa. It was an extremely eye-opening experience as I witnessed families being ripped apart and deported back to countries where they faced violence and persecution. Their circumstances motivated me to work hard to win their cases and inspired me to pursue a career in law. 有兩個夏天的時間,我在華盛頓特區的一個移民律師事務所跟移民律師Don一起工作,我們接手了一些從中美洲跟非洲來的難民申請專案,這些經驗讓我大開眼界,我見證了這些家庭被迫分開,然後被遣送回他們面對暴力和迫害的國家,他們的處境激勵著我要努力的工作去幫他們贏回官司,也讓我想要從事律師生涯。

  • Our planet Earth is breathtakingly beautiful. We must protect it at all costs! 我們的星球有著令人窒息的美麗,我們必須不惜一切代價來保護她。