Beryl Liu 劉蓓瑞爾



  • 【音乐与我4】合唱团的11年: 从小学,高中,到大学,合唱团伴随着我长大。大家齐心协力唱出动人的和声那个瞬间非常的让我感受到音乐无比强大的力量。// 【Music & Me 4】Choir: From elementary, high school, to university, I actively participated in choir. The moment where each section combines into harmony reminds me of the power in music. This was a picture from my highschool performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah at the Chan Centre, can you find me? (Hint: third from the right in the first row)

  • 【巴黎日子】 大三的时候有幸去巴黎政治学院作为交换生,生活在巴黎的那段时间非常幸福,每天都能感受到法国的文化,也让我突破自己的舒适圈在欧洲独自生活中成长许多。很想念这座浪漫与梦幻的城市。//【A Canadian in Paris】I was lucky enough to study abroad at Sciences Po Paris in my third year of University. It was an unforgetting experience to go out of my comfort zone and live in Europe on my own. I dearly miss this romantic and dreamy city, but it will forever be a part of me. “Si vous avez eu la chance de vivre à Paris quand vous étiez jeune, quels que soient les lieux visités par la suite, Paris ne vous quitte plus, car Paris est une fête mobile“ ”If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” ”如果你夠幸運,在年輕時待過巴黎,那麼巴黎將永遠跟隨著你,因為巴黎是一席流動的饗宴。“ - Earnest Hemmingway 海明威

  • 【旅行篇】我特别喜欢感受不同的文化。 摩洛哥是我第一次踏上北非洲的土地。真的太美了!而且太多太多美食!我真的特别期待能再次回去骑骆驼! // 【Travels】Visiting Morocco was such an unforgettable experience to say the least. A different culture in a different continent. I still think about the food to this day and really hope I can return to visit the Sahara Desert next time!

  • 【旅行篇】柏林是我在留学期间一定要去的地方。因为那座城市有着丰厚的历史,每个部落都留着二战的痕迹。以前在学校里读到的事情,有很多是在这里发生的,非常的感慨。 // 【Travels】I knew that during my exchange I had to come to Berlin. It is a city filled with history and every corner has a mark left from WWII. It is a post-modern city and realizing that so many events of humanity happened here is very powerful. This is me beside the Berlin Wall!

  • 【旅行篇】在欧洲留学期间终于去了伦敦,因为与加拿大的密切联系到了那里感觉一点也不陌生。主要是可以终于不说法语了哈哈! // 【Travels】During my exchange, I went to visit London. Because of how intertwined Canada's history is with the British, it felt familiar. Also I appreciated not speaking French for a week haha!

  • 【电影与我1】我与电影的缘分: 我一直以为电影离我的距离太远了,但是在大学期间偶然进入了一个电影节的组委会,在那里的3年中我成长了太多,也非常感恩那段经历让我有怀电影梦的勇气。// 【Film & Me 1】Serendipity: I always thought that pursuing a career in film would be too unrealistic and far from my life, until I serendipitously joined an organizing committee at a film festival. I dedicated all my spare time outside of school to this and words cannot express how much I grown and learned from this experience. Regardless, my heart is full of gratitude for this experience as it taught to dare to dream big and trust my path.

  • 【音乐与我3】我从高中在庇诗青年中乐团到后续麦吉尔大学中乐团让民乐成为我生活当中的一部分,这个大家庭也给予了我很多艺术上的培养。同时,我能在北美分享中华民族的文化也高的感到非常的自豪! // 【Music & Me 3】Chinese Orchestra was a integral part of my creative journey. From BC Chinese Youth Orchestra to McGill Students Chinese Music Society, I learned so much from this community and am deeply proud to share Chinese culture through music here in North America.

  • 【音乐与我2】古筝带给我艺术的世界,我从中更加深入的了解传统文化。这个链接里是一些录制的作品 // 【Music & Me 2】Guzheng has brought me into the world of music and allowed me to better understand myself and my culture. It has brought me so many life experiences and is truly a part of my identity. Words cannot express how much this instrument has allow me to feel the world more than I could ever imagine.

  • 【模拟联合国】 从高中到大学,因为模拟联合国我对国际关系产生了兴趣所以上大学一开始进入了政治系。以前的一个理想是去联合国,但是最后兜兜转转还是回到了艺术。但是通过这段经历我结识了一些值得学习的人,也在其中学到了一些与人合作的能力。 // 【Model United Nations】From highschool to university, I participated in many MUN conferences. This experience initiated my interest in international relations which lead me to pursue a Political Science double major with Theatre at McGill. My initial dream was to eventually make it to the UN one day, but some how along the way, I went back to the creative arts where I belong. Nevertheless, this experience allowed me to meet many inspiring individuals and taught me quite a few lessons!

  • 【音乐与我1】艺校的日子: 在Langley Fine Arts 的几年让我拥有一个与众不同的高中经历,我们每天的排练和每次的演出让我在团队的共同创作中感受到非常的充实,这个经历才能成就对于艺术充满渴望的我。 // 【Music & Me 1】 My Highschool Life as a Music Major : My experience at LFAS allowed me to have an unique high school life style where the arts were at the center of our lives. I developed my work ethic and the importance of commitment and teamwork during those years and would not be who I am today without my time there.

  • 给我tan一tan!原来我从小对镜头后面就感兴趣!// "Let Me See!": Turns out I've always had an interest in the camera! I laughed really hard seeing this.

  • 大家好! 我来乘风破浪啦! 这个照片是我小时候,多年后我依然是那个热爱表演,对世界充满兴趣,和乐观的 "乐乐”。 很虚荣在这个特殊的一年可以参选MCVP 2020, 非常期待在这里与大家分享我的世界! 谢谢关注~ // Hello world! This is little me when I was about 5, and I think this photo very much represents my personality. I am still the same little girl who loves to laugh, loves to perform, is a bit crazy, and a dreamer. Beyond grateful to have the opportunity to join this historical year of MCVP, and super excited to share my little universe here!